How by apply Attraction Marketing Principles that show you how to
build your Home Based Business virally with out chasing cold leads or harassing friends and family.
build your Home Based Business virally with out chasing cold leads or harassing friends and family.
Why Attraction Marketing and What is It?
It is a switch from the old system where every single person was a prospect to be pursued. You used tactics like the 3 Foot Rule everywhere you went – grocery store, bank, coffee bar etc. No one was safe and you had no personal life. You learnt to get out of your comfort zone and entice people into your business from a cold start. Yes, sometimes it works, especially for those sales types who have no fear of rejection. Often prospects would join your opportunity to get rid of you and shortly afterwards they would quit.
Don’t misunderstand me I believe firmly in Network Marketing as it levels the playing field of opportunity for everyone and with the Attraction Marketing methods it opens up the door to many more prospects who are actively looking for a networking opportunity..
Think of it as positioning yourself in the right place in the correct manner as opposed to prospecting. Become the hunted instead of the hunter. No need for the snake oil technique any more,
Attraction Marketing has moved the goal posts and it now serves Everyone.
What are the Basic Principles of Attraction Marketing ?
Attraction Marketing is about building relationships, trust and giving value.
In order to attract people to you and your products or opportunity your need primarily to establish who are your TARGET market prospects and your potential business partners. Don’t assume what you think they want is what they want. Do the research. Go to Google and type in some key words for your target marketing and see where it leads you.
Once you have established what your target market needs are, then begin to supply VALUE to them. You have to GIVE before you start pitching your products.
“Give everyone more in use value than you take from him in cash value. Then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction” (Wallace Wattle – The Science of Getting Rich.
Many people laugh when they here the secret of success is giving. Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they would wish they were.
Relationships come first, with attraction marketing, business second. There is no hard sell. When a prospect finds you from your point of contact, which may be an article, blog, video etc. they are already interested in what you have to offer. It is at this point that you begin to establish what has attracted them to you in the first place. Now is the time to be interested in them and find out more about who they are. The old F.O.R.M still has its uses- Family, Occupation, Relationship, and Money. What do they want? What issues are they trying to address? How can you help them solve their issues? What have you got to offer them?You are now building trust and a relationship and this is a far more rewarding way to do business.
As the business relationship develops you are also branding YOU and your personality and they are beginning to trust you. This is continuing to build customer rapport. Remember your potential customers are not interested in YOU personally at this stage. Your point of contact has already wetted their appetite sufficiently to look further into what you have to offer them. Think about this. If you have identical products to another marketer, what has attracted your prospects to you? They need to know, like and trust you and at the same time they are looking for what it is you have to offer. If you are involved with health products you may have written an article on arthritis and your potential client may be looking to address this health issue. You are not flogging your company’s products at this point. Maybe you have produced a video or blog about basic steps to build an MLM opportunity and avoid the pitfalls. Your prospective distributor may be looking for a networking opportunity and eventually may be interested in joining your opportunity. Once you have built that relationship you are more likely to retain your clients or team members.
Enjoy the process without chasing your prospects. Treat them as you would like to be treated. Patience is also a watch word here. It is a process to be followed. This will engender TRUST from your prospects.
So now we know the basic principles of establishing your TARGET market, giving VALUE, building RELATIONSHIPS and TRUST, now you need to acquire the skills and methods to develop your business? All this is very low cost and in many instances no cost except your time and effort. These methods can be applied to online and offline businesses.
To develop and build relationships you become a member of the various Social Networking sites like Facebook, My Space, Twitter and others. This is where you develop rapport with fans and friends across the globe. There is a code of ethics and this is not the place to pitch your products. Gradually people begin to know, recognise and trust you. You behave socially as you would in the normal world and show interest in your friends on the social networks.
You will need help to grow your business with some Internet Network Marketing Training This will teach you all the various methods of attracting prospects to you. Some will appeal more than others. With web 2.0 it is not necessary to be a TECHIE. As long as you can switch on your computer and have a basic knowledge of programmes like Word and how to send e.mail, you can be taught the rest through click by click visual tutorials which you can replay until you understand.
I can assure you this works because this is the process that I too have followed. When I first stumbled across Attraction Marketing I was looking for a solution to my MLM sponsoring difficulties, finding or buying leads and the attrition rates. The whole concept was completely new to me but I was totally bold over by this concept which made so much sense. I poked around for months and gained insight into Attraction Marketing but until I began with in a methodical way I was not attracting prospects because I did not understand the system of how it all fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle.. Suddenly the light went on for me and it all came together like a spider’s web.
The Attraction Marketing Methods offer you the opportunity of monetization through the use generic information and not your primary network marketing opportunity. You are able to offer other people’s products fro free or low cost to help you prospects. This results in commissions whilst you are building you business.
There are several points that you need to get in place to build your viral pipeline and have prospects chasing you.
1.First you establish your Point of Contact.
This leads your potential client to you and your offers and information. It may be an advertisement, an article , video or website. All these methods can be used at no cost to you. Internet Network Marketing Training is available to teach you all these methods. If the thought of building your own website terrifies you believe me this is not at all difficult with web 2.0 technology. You do not need to know programming language.
2. Set up a Capture or Splash page.
This is designed to capture you customer’s information. Once they have completed their details- name, e.mail address, they have given you permission to contact them with your offers like newsletters or free reports. This is important: They have given you PERMISSION. You are not chasing them.
3. Set up an Auto-responder.
The auto responder is where your list of interested clients are registered.. The auto-responder automatically sends the e.mail, newsletters, and offer to the people who have opted in on your capture page. They have given your PERMISSION to contact them.
Now you are beginning to leverage you time. The auto-responder does the work for you whilst you are sleeping. Just think of people around the world in different time zones who are waking up when you are going to bed but your business works 24 hours a day. This is such an empowering way to build a business.
You can also create additional income streams to offset your cost whilst developing your business through Affiliate Marketing strategies You capitalize on the trend of entrepreneurs who are looking to build their businesses. You can offer information products, tools and software and when they are sold you gain commissions for marketing other people’s products. There are hundreds if not thousands of affiliate opportunities on the net, something to suit everyone and align with your target market.
With the power of the Internet and the globalization of the world’s countries there has never been a better time when it has been easier and low cost to set up and promote a business, online or offline. As our economies are changing and with the present economic downturn this is an incredible time to engage in developing your second or third income stream.
With Attraction Marketing revolutionising the Network Marketing Industry and returning it to its true professional status this is the moment of opportunity many people are looking for.
The MLM industry will take on a new modern look that is more acceptable to many people. This Relationship style of building a business by giving value will invite many more prospects into your funnel.
Once again we can enjoy our lives, our families and through social contact and networking build businesses with a firm basis.
We are at the tip of the iceberg with technology and it just continues to get better and easier every single day. With more and more people looking to work from home Attraction Marketing has everything to offer.
Whatever your target or interest is you can use Attraction Marketing Strategies to build your business from home, online and offline, and never chase another prospect again. Enjoy and have fun as your prospects are attracted into your marketing funnel.
Judith Atkinson
Your Partner in Success.
Skype: judith070942
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