Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Work from Home Blog -Mums and Dads

How to get started with your networking business without a lot of risk or financial investment, working from home whilst keeping your day job.

The Work from Home Business Model is now evolving as a professional entity in its own right. Women have worked from home for a considerable number or years often for a pittance. I remember well watching my mother sew men’s ties for hours on end. They used to call these women home workers or outworkers, slaves, would have been a better word. Now the home based industry has come of age and with the aid of the Internet and Web.2.0 it is possible to build a fully fledged lucrative business both on and off line whilst keeping the day job.

By reading this article you will be able to make and intelligent decision to explore further the pros and cons of working from home and developing you own business.

Let’s first examine some of your reasons for wanting to work from home. If you are a family with children you probably want to spend more value time with them rather that wait another 15 years and live with the regrets that they have now grown up and gone away. This quality time is irreplaceable. Often it is more difficult for Dad who arrives home tired and the children are in bed or ready for bed.

Maybe your are both having to work to cover all your expenses and yet by the time you have paid for child care it is hardly financially viable; plus you have to leave home early and return late with your children. The weekends just become catch up time, shopping, cooking, and cleaning. No time to enjoy your children or each other. No fun, no relaxation. Maybe just a collapse in front of the T.V. with exhaustion ready to start again on Monday morning and repeat the whole thing again.

Are you worried about the world economy and recession? Is your money safe in these large institutions and banks that are crumbling on a daily basis? What would happen if redundancy hit one or both of you? How do you maintain your status, your lifestyle with a reduced income. I have a daughter and son in law in Hong Kong in the banking world and their bank has cut salaries by 25% and now hundreds of jobs are going. Children are already being removed from the schools as fees cannot be met.

What about pensions? Too young to worry! We know that the governments are not going to be able to continue funding people as they did in the past. People are also living much longer and more active lives now into their 70’s and even 80’s. Will your pension fund support your life style and maybe health issues that develop with the onset of old age.. Baby Boomers and retirees now live very active lifestyles and many enjoy the joys of travel but these activities need funding.

You may be a single parent who has time in the evenings once the children are in bed to develop alternative income strategies without paying people to come and sit in your home whilst you go and earn extra meagre dimes.

Would another income stream help you to fulfil your dreams: your ideal home, children’s education, a special holiday? Maybe even just a l meal out in a restaurant occasionally or buy flowers or gifts for you family. How would you like the relief from stress of knowing that you have the funds to pay your bills on time.

Now is a good time to consider developing a second or even third income stream for your future lifestyle whilst you have the energy levels and stamina to build over a period of a year. It has never been easier on the Internet than now with Web.20 enabling non-technical people to intereact and communicate with people who span the globe. It’s not necessary to be a great intellect or academic. If you have not yet read it then I suggest Napoleon Hill’s book “ Think and Grow Rich” You get to decide and achieve your goals, dreams and ambitions.

Without doubt the Internet and Network Marketing together provide more advantages than the Old School MLM tactics and training methods.

Look at some of the disadvantages of the old styel of network marketing.

  • 3 Foot Rule. You approach anyone who comes within 3 feet of you to show them your opportunity,

  • Make a list of 100 people and then go harass them until they succumb and join your greatest opportunity, only to depart from it at the earliest juncture resulting in few friends or no friends. Watch people run away faster than you can catch them.
  • Bore you Family to death with your newest, greatest and latest opportunity.

  • Spend your evenings and weekend going to endless Rah rah meetings.

  • Don’t even think about voicing you own opinion about anything. Just do what you are told and expected to do without questions.

  • High joining fees and monthly auto-ships.

Essential reading on this topic is Ann Sieg's book The Renegade Network Marketer

Now take a look at the how the Internet and Network Marketing have finally come together and developed Attraction Marketing techniques.which build you a solid online and offline business where prospect s are coming to you. No more coldcalling.

No more chasing prospects. You are taught the methods of attracting floods of

Prospects to you and your offers.

  • Have prospects joining your list and chasing you. You own the list which is like a piece of real estate. They have voluntarily opted themselves into your funnel.

  • Develop your business by sharing and giving first. What you give away you get to keep.

  • You develop trust and credibility by helping or solving a problem for your prospects
  • .

  • You get to keep you friends and family instead of alienating everyone

  • No more buying leads and ending up with credit card debt.

  • Low cost overheads

  • Much more fun being an entrepreneur of your own business and building your own team.

  • Maybe you have a hobby or a passion that would present a great business opportunity. I have a friend who is a very good motor mechanic but he has realised he can only produce in a day what his two hands can manage. His passion is building motors bikes and he has intense knowledge about them and their racing history. He is now going to set up his website using his passion and hobby to build himself a niche market business. What’s your hobby or passion?

Here are some guidelines for you to consider before you embark on your new home

based business

1. Approach and treat it as you would any other business and set up a system and a routine for you new business. This will help you and your family.

2. Don’t procrastinate just because you are at home and there is something on the TV. Get focussed. You don’t have to get it right first time but you do have to take ACTION and get it going.

3. Establish your working hours and family hours. A routine is essential in the early stages.


4. Show commitment to your business. Put in the time to learn the systems.

5. Remember – you are BUILDING a business over a period of time. Work your business. Do nothing and nothing will happen.

6. Be patient. It can take up to a year if you only have a few hours per week.

7. Turn failures into your successes. Einstein did. Every failure is a success turned inside out. Learn from these

8. Enjoy and have fun and keep in site your reasons for doing this.

Last but not least find a mentor with whom you have built trust.

You need a guide who will steer you through the training and system of

attraction marketing. Some of the very experienced guides are expensive but

there are excellent trainers whose charges are extremely reasonable and who

have been trained using the same systems.

I came to Attraction and Social Marketing as a Newbie too. I was searching for

Search for something that would help me solve the low recruiting and retention

in my traditional MLM business. The discovery of Attraction and Social

Networking has completely changed the way I now operate my online and

offline businesses. As an ex- professional teacher I have enjoyed the learning

experience and it has given me the opportunity to share my new knowledge

with my team members and prospects and have more fun than

ever. Every day I now make new friends on and off the internet instead of losing

them .

So there is nothing at all stopping you, only your own decision. There have

Never been so many opportunities and they are available for everyone. Learn

how to leverage your time and your income

streams by helping and sharing with your team and customers.

There is no huge financial out lay to consider. It really is Building on a Budget .

In a relatively short period of time you can replace or even beat your current

income levels and be working fewer hours through leverage.

Your will require Patience, Perseverance and Positivity.

I hope you have enjoyed this introduction and in following weeks I will be

talking more about the various aspects of our training systems.

In the meantime have a poke around and maybe I will see you on Facebook.

Can I help you?

Judith Atkinson

Your Partner in Success

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